Day: Tuesday
Time: 2:17 PM EST

Shannon to the rescue. She read my plea for help and has come through with flying colors. She's informed me of a way to update this diary without having to fuck around with HTML and shite all the time. So, here's the deal. Starting May 1st, I'm going to do my updates there...and then at the end of the month, I will compile all of them into one entry and archive it on this site. Sound confusing? Yes. Will it work out alright? Maybe. All we can do is wait and find out. So, get ready to bookmark this: nickynax.scribble.nu

Yesterday was my first day off in almost two weeks. It was also Aimee's birthday, so I met up with her, had some frites, had a McFlurry (they now have peanut butter cup!), and then went to Xth Ave Lounge and drank the night away. I just woke up about an hour ago. I start back to work tonight and I don't think I get a day off for another two weeks. Oy.

Anyway...remember...new diary format coming soon. Be prepared for it. Don't let it take you by surprise. That's all.